Participated in my first Judo tournament this past weekend. Got my but kicked. I think my ribs perforated the muscle wall near my stomach but I don't think they're broken or fractured. I need to focus maybe a little less on conditioning and a little more on the Judo. #3 Brought his A game, took home silver. Problem for me was fasting trying to make weight I hit that starvation level soluble fat level in my blood which triggered the statin response. Still recovering from that (the fast) which is bizarre. And in the end not only did I not make weight (161 lbs -- missed it by one lb), but it didn't matter because I was the only masters category (old guy) so they lumped me in with the seniors (18 - 49). Anyway, vision blurriness, joint pain, aches, pervasive widespread stiffness, fatigue, it all came roaring back. Crazy.
Updated 5/20/17. The statin symptoms are resolving slowly. Healing is lagging and lingering stiffness. I believe myself to be rock bottom metabolically in terms of intake. Protein is barely there, healthy soluble fats are always a struggle, so fasting pushes me over to dangerously low levels. I can find an equilibrium using tuna, avocado, daily yogurt, and lots of olive oil, but with the fast I scraped bottom so to speak and my body responded with a deleterious shut-down spiral. Sensei Carey admonished me today in his own way for not focussing more on Judo and learning the throws. Muscle memory, repetition. He's right. It's great that I'm fit, but strength, agility, speed aren't much use if they are misapplied.
Updated 6/14/17. Convinced I suffered from a bit of the "no mas" effect on my first tournament. Lost way too much weight way too fast in the lead up. Most likely contributed to injury and general weakness.