My ankle is refusing to heal. I think it's just a sprain but in my disastrous ideation it's the beginning of the collapse of the Roman Empire. After a run last Thursday I was walking down a flight of stairs and I feel a pop in my foot. It aches a bit, not too bad, but the ache sets in and I remember how in baseball a pop coming from inside your body is never a good thing.
The ache worsens into an arthritic nag ... How? I think the initial injury, which wasn't that bad, heals slowly because I'm drained utterly of soluble fats (because of my almost zero fat diet). The injury triggers an inflammatory response which in turn sets off a generalized autoimmune reaction that I feel primarily in my joints. I suspect the low fat diet may be interfering with protein metabolism. I'm healing almost as slowly as I was when I was on statins, which was not fast enough to keep up with my injuries, which was a problem.
In one recent study there was an association between low fat diets and increased risk of injury in female long distance runners. So I'm eating lots and still losing weight, down to 171, but I'm creaky and stiff again, tired, more early morning blurred vision, my gums hurt, and minor cuts are taking forever to stop bleeding. Oh and I'm having some warped "end of the world" thinking where I finally succumb to a slow painful death after a few miserble years as a broken down old man -- all from what amounts to a sprained ankle ... SMH.
I managed to hobble through Judo on Saturday but bowed out of the partner leap-overs and no rondori. I ran a mile on Monday and it hurt like heck afterward but (strangely) not during the run. I've also been doing one punch man three times a week on average. Ran again yesterday (Wednesday), 1.5 miles and again ok during the run but sore afterwards (and before for that matter). So I'm pulling out all the stops. I've added a half an avocado a day, boosted my olive oil, took a bunch of calcium today and an extra dose of vitamin d to see if I can kickstart some decent recovery. I also consumed 30 extra grams of protein via some nifty Garden-of-Life vegan protein powder from Mississippi Market here in Saint Paul. I also had a six ounce serving of white meat chicken, a second weekly serving. I'm even going to see if the old ball and chain might be so kind as to show me some of her magic healing yoga tonight. Fingers crossed that after a decent night's rest the foot will turn a corner. A cock will crow at dawn reckoning nothing of wizardry or war and the horns of Rohan will ring out and I shall walk with pain no more! Or it may take a few more days ... Which is also ok ... Perspective right?
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